According to the Internal Revenue Service, you must report money from unlawful activities such as drug dealing on your tax return. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has released advice on how to prepare 2021 tax returns ahead of the ...

Good news to seniors! Millions of Social Security recipients in the United States receive a $1,657 check on January 19, with checks arriving on the third Wednesday of each month, starting today, for those born between January 11 and January ...

President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act has been Opposed by Senator Joe Manchin. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have asked the national government to send more stimulus grants or regular monthly subsidies. The popular Child Tax Credit, which ...

When will Seniors under Social Security receive the $1,400 stimulus payment? The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) has been pressuring Congress for an extra $1,400 in one-time Social Security stimulus payments for seniors since the start of 2022. This is related ...

An ex-pat who lives outside of the United States is still required to submit taxes. This is indeed a tough procedure, so we’ve put together a list of nine things you should know before filing your taxes in the United ...

Beginning January 24, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will start receiving tax returns. This is a step up from last year, when the IRS moved the start of the tax season to February, causing taxpayers to wait longer for their ...

As the Internal Revenue Service tries to go through a slew of unprocessed returns from previous years, collection warnings to some Americans who haven’t submitted their forms are still sent. The computer system can’t figure out why it didn’t get ...

In late December 2021, the IRS began mailing copies of Letter 6419 and will continue to do so throughout January. However, it would be best if you kept the notice because you would need it when you submit your taxes ...

Parents who paid for child care in 2021 are qualified to receive up to 50% of their child care costs returned as a tax break or refund due to a one-time enhancement of the credit in the American Rescue Plan ...

According to court records, federal prosecutors are now suing the prisoners who got the stimulus payments, forcing the offenders to use the monies to pay reparations to their victims’ families. It was announced last week that convicted Boston Marathon bomber ...