MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – Alabama is finally giving out a new method to inform victims of crime about changes in the status of an offender. This is usually for the ones that has impacted their life. Moreover, it also affects the life of the one whom they loved ones. Officials confirmed it on Wednesday that a new website for the Alabama Victim Notification System has been rolled out. This is to let the victims and other concerned citizens know when criminals are up for parole, released, or have any sort of change in status or custody.

The state law in the 2011 established the Victim Notification System. Ever since a task force was assigned to oversee the rollout of that system. In a recent press conference, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall discussed the same. He talked about what this means for people across the state.
“After the crime and the legal process, the impact on the victim doesn’t just disappear,” Marshall stated. “It’s the responsibility of Alabama to support victims statewide.” Close to 2,000 Alabamians have signed up for notifications on the website, and more are anticipated to join soon. If you had registered on a previous version of the Alabama Victim Notification System, you’ll need to re-register on the new website.”
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